am Zeißberg (802m) und Kempfendorfer Berg (729m) | SOTA

Podobni Video posnetki:
Alex Barrows | Lattice Training Podcast 3
Tom Randall sits down with Alex Barrows to discuss his knee bar prowess, structu...
Training The Climber's Mind | Interview with Lor Sabourin
Lor Sabourin is a climber well know to us at Lattice - they've climbed multiple ...
Magnus Midtbø Q&A With Lattice Training
We were lucky enough last week to grab the climbing star and YouTube phenomenon ...
Lattice Training - Back Arches
Start lying on your front with your hands behind your head. Lift your feet and c...
Lattice Training - Rings sequence 2B
PROGRESSION B: Strength and tension development. Sequence. Muscle up - Lever int...
8. OE5-SOTA Tag wurde an diesem Tag im Raum Mühlviertel durchgeführt. Bei herrlichem Herbstwetter waren rund 25 OM's und YL's auf den verschiedensten Summits on Air. Am Nachmittag traf man sich beim Gh. Mader in Lest.