Absamer Klettersteig

Podobni Video posnetki:
Guide to clove hitches: Knot techniques for alpine climbing – Tutorial (11/43)
The clove hitch is a safety knot and is ideal for self-belaying. Learn how to ti...
Figure eight loop: Knot techniques for alpine climbing – Tutorial (12/43)
The figure eight loop has firmly established itself as the best roping up knot w...
A rope team’s equipment for alpine climbing: Quickdraws, ropes, etc. – Tutorial (5/43)
Climbing rope, quickdraws and a climbing backpack are all part of a rope team’s ...
Types of rock: Things to remember – Tutorial (3/43)
Limestone, gneiss, and granite are the most common types of rock in the Alps. Le...
italiano | Safety Academy Mountain 3D
Il SAFETY ACADEMY MOUNTAIN 3D è stato sviluppato e realizzato in collaborazione ...
Alpiner Klettersteig mit fein ausgesuchter Genussroute, die Kondition und Kraft und erfordert, alpine Kletterlänge, abwechslungsreich mit ausreichend leichteren Passagen zum Erholen, kein Notabstieg. Schwierigkeit bis C. Auch der Abstieg ist anspruchsvoll, erfordert Trittsicherheit!