A year with the eagles | The Breath of the Mountains

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Dale's Trail ridden by completely unrelated Dale
How often do you get to ride a trail that literally has your name on it? Well, f...
MTB - Vedder Mountain, Cultus Lake, BC - Tri Power
Almost pushed to not bother with this trail due to everything I read about it, b...
Mow It Down holds Special Place in My Heart
Edit 2019-05-12: Apparently this trail is sanctioned now, so I've changed the ti...
MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 2
Bonus video to the usual schedule! This race series is a lot of fun. I'm also a ...
MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Lower Elevator
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Il respiro delle montagne - Un anno con le aquile

Oltre un anno in volo con le aquile tra le montagne di Valle d'Aosta e Piemonte.
Attivate i sottotitoli per avere indicazioni sulle località mostrate.