A long day in Hurrungane

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Last week I went to Hurrungane for the first time. Even if it is only a 3h drive from our home I never found the time to go there. To discover a new mountain range is always exciting, and this is is such a cool place with lots of alpine terrain. To discover he range I wanted to run and climb from sunrise to sunset with only a map as knowledge of the region to make the discovering and thinking the way more real and to cover as many terrain as possible so I could maximize the different landscape and mountains views. I parked my van in the west side of the range, cycle to the east, hide the bike and start running and climbing back to the van. It ended up with a long tour of 20h45’ car to car, with 60km and 7500m of elevation, tagging all the 2000m peaks of the range (they’re 23, Thanks @500fjell for the inspiration )