Podobni Video posnetki:
Chamonix Steepskiing April 2018 | ARGENTIÈRE EXPLORATION
An idea to link the East face of Aiguille d'Argentière, Chamonix, also known as ...
Jacob Wester Adventures 8 | OLYMPIC STEEPSKIING
Jacob's brother, 2-time Olympic Slopestyle skier Oscar Wester takes a weekend of...
Jacob Wester Adventures 3 | STEEP AND SKETCHY
The Swift couloir is a massive clawmark into the north wall of Nordre Jægervasst...
Jacob Wester Adventures 2 | LYNGEN TOP TO BOTTOM
*WATCH IN 1440p*In episode two of Jacob Wester Adventures, we set the time machi...
Grossvenediger 3666m
2014 augusztuszene: Atlantis - Two Steps From Hell...
Seguimos recorriendo varios lugares con poco presupuesto, después de hacer trekking en el Huaytapallana, toca visitar Huancavelica, siempre manteniendo la esencia: viajar con sencillo.

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