5 - Mountain Rescue

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Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountain’s steep slopes, treacherous glaciers and vertiginous cliffs in a bid to conquer this most formidable natural challenge. When they fail, the consequences can be deadly. The only thing standing between them and certain death is the helicopter rescue squad of the PGHM (Peloton de Gendarmerie de Haute Montagne); an elite Alpine force trained for the world’s deadliest peaks. We ride along with the men and women who confront avalanches, blinding snowstorms, high winds, rockslides and sub-zero temperatures to rescue those who have fallen victim to the elements. Mountain Rescue delivers an experience that puts viewers on the top of the world and keeps them on the edge of their seats.