98% Cotton 5.10b, New River Gorge

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Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, Almost Heaven Climbing Co. braves the elements and goes sport climbing at the Cotton Top area of the New River Gorge. Home to many great sport routes such as Psycho Wrangler, Cottonmouth, and Intergalactic Orcas, Cotton Top boasts some of the best sport climbing at the New. As for this route, Cam Kellar takes on 98% Cotton, a pumpy 5.10b. The opening moves offers an easy boulder problem into relaxed climbing. The second gives way to steeper more aggressive climbing with a possible crux of clipping the chains. A great route for 5.10 climbers as well as a great warmup for anyone looking to climb on Psycho Wrangler. More videos from the New River and Coopers Rock coming soon!