7 facts everyone should know - The American Bull Frog

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The American Bullfrog: Lithobates catesbeianus is the largest native frog in the United States weighing over a pound a maturity and can eat anything from insects to birds and mice. Outside of its native Eastern US range it can be invasive, demonstrating explosive reproduction and eating everything it can find and swallow. Frog legs are a favorite delicacy on Southern tables and have been harvested and introduced out of its native range for food! Very similar to Green Frogs this video shows you how to identify males and females by looking at color patterns and the dorsalateral ridge. HOw far can a frog jump? How many eggs to frogs lay? What do frogs eat? Where is the Bullfrog native range? How to identify a bullfrog. How to identify a frog by its call? These and other questions are answered in this video.