600-meter-long first ascent by Roger Schäli and Simon Gietl - Peru 2015

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At the 5325 meters high granite monolith, Simon Gietl and Roger Schäli pulled off a 600- meter-long first ascent that they dubbed 'Chappie.' The name 'Chappie' stems from a new movie that had caught their attention on the outbound flight. It’s about a robot-turned-human that has been brought into the world for the benefit and safety of mankind. At base camp, Roger picked up a stray dog that subsequently slept in his tent every night and grew more devoted to him by the day. Spontaneously, Roger named the dog 'Chappie.' That's how it came about that 'Chappie' became the perfect name for the new route on Es Finge – a route that requires an excellent feel for and understanding of climbing.