4.9.2021 | Dolkova špica

Podobni Video posnetki:
Fjällräven Singi Stubben (a seat and backpack!) - Inside Look
Okay, so this is a rucksack and a seat, all in one. Got your attention yet?! The...
Podcast 3 - An Hour With Mountain Rescue
In the third instalment of the Trekitt Podcast, we've invited two members of our...
Biolite CampStove 2+ - Inside Look
The CampStove 2 is a warm, cosy fire, a phone/lantern/watch charger and a stove ...
Rab Argon Hoody (Exclusive!) - Inside Look
Did we mention the Rab Argon Hoody is exclusive to Trekitt? It's suitable for hi...
Primus Mimer Stove (we also made coffee!) - Inside Look
Launched in the early 1980s‚ the Mimer Stove has become the essential workhorse ...
Predzadnji cilj programa Letos na Triglav 2021 je udeleženkam in udeležencu postregel s prečudovito panoramo. Dolga tura je bila sicer naporna, a nas je gora nagradila z mnogokaterimi čarobnimi trenutki in dih jemajočimi razgledi, ki so odplačali vsako kapljo pretočenega potu. Kvalitetna družba, skupinski napori in rast ter premagovanje strahov so nas tako pripeljali skoraj do cilja, ki se nam je sramežljivo razkazoval tekom cele ture; Triglav, prihajamo, na vrsti si naslednji!