3 Lesser-known Footwork Techniques

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Most of the footwork techniques we see on YouTube and read on blogs are about slow and precise movements, like 'silent feet', foot traversing, weight transfer etc. These are really helpful of course and we've released a bunch of videos like this (links below). But what about when you get good at these drills? Surely they start being less effective and the complexity of climbing just is not replicated well enough? It's true, and when this happens, which is common with advanced climbers, we need to make these exercises more challenging and complex. In this episode we talk about a couple added variables to include into your footwork drills; Force and Velocity. By force we mean really drilling your toes into holds on steep terrain. By velocity we mean hitting foot holds at speed and with accuracy. If your footwork training is getting a bit boring it might be time to add some more exercises to your schedule.