3179 MT | Cima Plem

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The Vatican’s Museum ➔ Museo Chiaramonti
The Chiaramonti Museum is set out in the long loggia which joins the small Palac...
The Vatican’s Museum ➔ Picture Gallery ➔ The best paintings in Vatican
The collection continued to grow over the years through donations and purchases ...
The Basilica of Saint Petr ➔ Vatican city
The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican is a church built in the Renais...
The Basilica of Saint Petr ➔ Holy water fountain Vatican
Hot to get to Holy water basin? Way one ist from St.Peter's square to Dome ticke...
The Vatican’s museum ➔ Pio Clementino Museum ➔ Octagonal Belvedere Courtyard
Pio Clementino Museum ➔ Octagonal Belvedere Courtyard The nucleus of the pontifi...
Salita alla cima Plem da 'Put del guat', non sapendo che condizioni c'erano dal lato del rifugio Tonolini, abbiamo preferito salire dal lato del rifugio Gnutti e ridiscendere per la stessa via.