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Marokko 01 - Djebel Toubkal - Höchster Berg Nordafrikas
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Sri Lanka 05 | Pilgern zum Sonnenaufgang | Adams Peak
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Ellmauer Tor vom Kaiserbachtal
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After passing the Monte Rosa Hütte, we decided to walk as far as possible to safe meters for the next day. We kept on going for appr. 3 more hours, and found a really nice place to put up our tents @ 3680m. @ 05.00 on the next dax we left aur tents in summit direction. the way was easy to find as weather was good and a path properly walked. Also the ridge itself was pretty easy to do. So we reached the summit 10.15. After half an hour we started descending. It was really really long. @ 18.00 wefinally arrived @ Station Rotenboden. a 14 hour day was not over yet because we decided to drive home the same day. after 21 hours we arrived save in Innsbruck @ 02.00.