2434 m n.m. 30.6. 2018 | Výstup na Čierny štít

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Climbing Switzerland in September
I set myself a goal of climbing Mount Everest in September through the peaks of ...
If someone told me back in March that I would rock climb up the side of a mounta...
The best railway line in Switzerland
Mürren to Grutschalp in my humble opinion is the most scenic railway line in all...
Via Ferrata La Sambuy
Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone. My first Via Ferrata on th...
Lac d'Emosson, Switzerland
Hiking to a lake of ice on the hottest day of the year is surreal, hard work but...
Čierny štít je impozantná skalná pyramída nad tromi dolinami: Veľkou a Malou Zmrzlou a Čiernou Javorovou dolinou. Pre horolezcov je zaujímavá južná stena. Prvý horolezecký výstup je známy z r. 1898.