21 km - Villiers-sur-Suize to Langres - Francigena Update 22

Podobni Video posnetki:
French Rope Access Championships EN
March 19, 2011 -- Petzl hosted the first French Rope Access Championships in the...
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Samedi 19 mars 2011, dès la première heure, le hall de V.axess s'anime au son de...
Unternehmenspräsentation - Wer ist Petzl
Seit 30 Jahren verfolgt Petzl stets dasselbe Ziel: die Entwicklung konkreter Lös...
Presentazione aziendale IT - Chi è Petzl
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An Introduction to the company | About Petzl
'The family company originated with my father, Fernand Petzl, and his passion fo...
#ViaFrancigena #VieFrancigene #Efren

The journey starts here: http://bit.ly/2GmX1h3
For early access to videos: https://bit.ly/34CuY8l


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