20 let Planinske sekcije LIP

Podobni Video posnetki:
Traditional Dancers in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
Traditional Dancers outside of Iglesia de Guadaloupe in San Cristobal de las Cas...
School of Blue Fish, Playa Cristal, Colombia
School of blue fish swimming of the beach at Playa Cristal in Colombia...
Nurse Shark swimming off the beach on Cayo Haynes (near Cayo Acuario), San Andres, Colombia
Nurse shark swimming right off the beach on Cayo Haynes near San Andres, Colombi...
Condors Flying over the Cocora Valley, Colombia
Condors soaring over the Cocora Valley near Salento, Colombia...
Sleepy baby sloth snuggling its mother
Adorable baby sloth stirs from its nap and snuggles with its mother. #PlayaCocle...
20 let Planinske sekcije LIP
Pohod na Luknjo peč, severno in vzhodno pod Triglavom, dne 20. avgust 2005 in 20 let Planinske sekcije LIP. Planinska pot nas je vodila z uvodno turo 21. septembra 1985 na Mangart … https://www.gore-ljudje.si/kategorije/novosti/30-let-planinske-sekcije-lip …