20200513 MST Seekarspitze

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28th Sept 2019 | Emblemsvaagen, Aalesund, Norway
Film: Emblemsvaagen, Aalesund, Norway - 28th Sept 2019.From a couple of flights ...
26th Sept 2019 | Tueneset, Aalesund, Norway
Film: Tueneset, Aalesund, Norway - 26th Sept 2019.From som flights around the ar...
24th Sept 2019 | Fremmerholen, Aalesund, Norway
Film: Fremmerholen, Aalesund, Norway - 24th Sept 2019.From a flight in the sunse...
22th September 2019 (Tafjord Cup) | Blindheim, Aalesund, Norway
Film:Blindheim, Aalesund, Norway - 22th September 2019 (Tafjord Cup)From a coupl...
Bingsa, Dyroy Conkrete 9th September 2019 Dyroy Concrete Facility
Film: Bingsa, Aalesund, Norway - 9th September 2019.Footage from a flight around...
zum 75zigsten von Roland gings ganz locker auf die Seekarspitze! alles Gute und Hui Auf ;-)