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Interview with world record holder Friedi Kühne | 1.9KM LONG Highline
Listen to Friedi share about the new world record in this interview. In Septembe...
Does pee weaken slackline webbing? You will be 'pissed' by the results | SlackSnap
It pisses me off no one really knows if piss damages webbing! So here we 'releas...
How much FORCE does your LEASH have when you fall off highline
I did what I do best at and fell off my highline! But I put the dynomometer bet...
10 Tips and Tricks to make the most out of your experience | Burning Man
Here are 10 tips and tricks for things I learned the first year I went to Burnin...
Eichorn Pinnacle + Matthess Crest + Half dome + 3 other secret lines | Yosemite Beta 2.0
https://www.slackline.com/yosemite has everything!!!Let's alleviate traffic away...
The IFSC World Cup came to Edinburgh International Climbing Arena in 2017, 7 years after the IFSC Youth World Championships and 14 years after the last Senior World Cup held in Edinburgh!

This is the first part of a 2-part Vlog Episode on the World Cup in Edinburgh. In part 1, the whole team at EICA: Ratho are working around the clock to get the centre ready for the weekend. Everything from setting the routes to media coverage of the upcoming competition.