2015 11 08 Ferrata Dell'Amicizia

Podobni Video posnetki:
I moved to Seattle
I'm living in Seattle now and prepping and planning and maximizing my lab time w...
Drop Tower Soft Opening
Here is the soft opening of our drop tower. We did random tests that we were mo...
Rappelling Hacks
Thank you Andy Kirkpatrick for DOWN (found at https://amzn.to/304zkY5). Being ab...
Big Wall Hooking Pitch on Leaning Tower | How NOT 2 be Hooker
How NOT to be a hooker shows you all the ways the F word can be used, but also t...
Behind the scenes of Dan Osman Leaning Tower Rope Jump
I’ve been busy doing a rope jump off Leaning Tower in Yosemite to honor Dan Osma...
Detta anche Via del Centenario Sat risale le ripide pareti della Rocchetta a picco su Riva del Garda offre uno stupendo panorama sul lago di Garda e sui monti circostanti.