2013 | Furkotský štít Hrubý vrch

Podobni Video posnetki:
Climbing Daily Ep.1976 - HUGE Indoor 4.5m Free Solo (Net) Climbing Wall
We got to play at the NEW Blockhelden climbing wall, which could be the biggest ...
Go! Go! Belay - DIE Felskletter-Revolution ist da!
Felsklettern ist wunderschön, zugleich aber auch gefährlich und aufwändig! Man m...
Spazio Verticale 313 - Lost Lines
Lost Lines, un viaggio alla riscoperta delle linee dimenticate dell'arrampicata ...
Close Encounters 9a+ - Jonathan Siegrist Finds MEGA Un-Finished PROJECT
Check out the latest Climbing Gear From The EpicTV Shop: https://bit.ly/3K12lWgJ...
Climbing LasVegas - J-Star Is Back
Vysoké Tatry - High Tatras
Mlynická dolina - Furkotský štít - Hrubý vrch - Furkotská dolina