Podobni Video posnetki:
New Footwear | Spotlight: Black Diamond
Tim Hill introduces Black Diamond's new models - the Prime and Fuel - in the foo...
Flyers | Spotlight: Boreal
An updated version of the classic Boreal Flyer that offers a good level of suppo...
Dry Dragon and Ice Dragon | Kayland
The Dry Dragon is a shoe designed specifically for dry tooling. The Ice Dragon i...
Tamaskan | Dolomite
A boot designed for use in the snow. Featuring a waterproof gaiter and an insula...
Furia Air | Scarpa
At 150g the Furia Air is the lightest climbing shoe ever made (by some margin). ...
3'5 km arriba de Uztarroz se toma a la derecha la pista que remonta el valle de Burgiarte y lleva a un circo pastoril situado al pie del Gaztarrigaña. Elevarse entonces hacia el E para alcanzar la cresta de Burgi, a 1.500 metros de altura y torcer luego hacia el norte para alcanzar la cresta principal, a la izquierda de la cima.