17 Dicembre 2017 | Bärental

Podobni Video posnetki:
Rid your home of Stink Bugs! (Viewer tested!) - Pesticide-free DIY
Over 1000 viewers commented on my first Stink Bug video and these deterrents are...
favorite pet lizard in its native habitat - Carolina anole
I discovered a tiny green lizard while camping just yards away from the ocean fr...
Your familiar Beach Sandpiper - 5 facts about Sanderlings
Artic summer nesting Sanderling Sand pipers are found on beaches worldwide and m...
Born of the Southern Appalachian Summits - Fraser Fir Christmas Tree
All the commercially grown Fraser Firs come from the seeds of mature trees on th...
Red-backed Salamanders Rule - FACT
Learn why the Red Backed Salamander dominates the Eastern Forest Ecosystem and v...
La Bärental o Valle degli Orsi è una splendida vallata contornata dalla catena montuosa delle Caravanche, sul confine Austriaco-Sloveno. Pur non essendo grandissima in inverno offre svariati itinerari sci alpinistici. Uno splendido gruppo di amici, sole e tanta neve fresca sono gli ingredienti ideali per trascorrere una bellissima domenica di metà dicembre.