1735 mt. Dog Breton gopro | Monte PENNA | Appennino Ligure

Podobni Video posnetki:
3 Need to Know Exercises
Climbing places a huge demand on the shoulders, so it is not surprising that cli...
Pt. 2 - Writing Climbing Training Plan
Part 2 of the plan writing series and we are talking about building out the big ...
How Strong Do You Need To Be
Our friends over at Kilter set us a challenge, a very pinchy challenge! The Kilt...
Campus Training Explained - Improved your Climbing with This Exercise
New Series! So it's time to subscribe if you are not already. This time we are c...
They Matter - Invisible Climbing Techniques
What do drop knees, dynos, heel hooks, foot swaps and twisting techniques all ha...
Il versante settentrionale mostra un andamento assai ripido di nuda roccia basaltica, mentre il versante meridionale appare quasi morbido e lussureggiante per la foresta demaniale del Penna. Degni di particolare rilievo sono alcuni scorci quasi privi di segni di antropizzazione. Il monte sovrasta la valle den Cenl e la valle del Taro(entrambi i fiumi nascono dalle sue pendici), valli di confine tra le regioni Emilia-Romagna e Liguria.