03.02.2019 | Nabujala Rječina

Podobni Video posnetki:
Lattice Training - Bicep Stretch
This short video shows a demonstration on how to complete a bicep stretch with e...
Lattice Training - Box Split Stretch
This short video shows a demonstration on how to complete a box split stretch wi...
Chest stretch
This short video shows a demonstration on how to complete chest stretch with exc...
Lattice Training - Dish Tucks: Core Training
This short video shows a demonstration on how to complete dish tucks with excell...
Flexor Curl (forearms)
This short video shows a demonstration on how to complete a forearm flexor curl ...
Šetnja uz nabujalu Rječinu. Prvi dio od Hartere do mlina Žakalj do kojega se naravno nije moglo doći zbog nabujale Rječine. Drugi dio od mosta na Pašcu do brane Valići.