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Wolffia sp - Watermeal - What is the smallest flower in the world? It may be in pond near you now
The Duckweed Family, Lemnaceae include the smallest flowering plants in the worl...
How it spread from native range and possible symbiosis with ice age Mammoths - Osage Orange tree
The original range of the Osage Orange tree was in a narrow band in Texas, Oklah...
Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar) - Can Woolly Bear REALLY forecast winter? Five Researched Facts
In this video about Woolly Bears, also known as the Woolly Worm or even Hedgehog...
Five facts about Mantis revealed - Fact or Fiction - Do Praying Mantises really eat Humming Birds
Rumor and photos have flown around internet showing praying mantises eating humm...
Is the Black Widow Spider the most venomous spider in North America
I found a Black Widow Spider under a dog bowl just outside my back door and took...
Le origini del paese risalgono all'VIII secolo e la sua storia è legata a quella dell'abbazia di San Pietro in Valle, a difesa della quale, nel 1200, furono eretti due castelli. Prima libero comune, poi sotto la signoria dei Cybo e degli Ancaiani, lottò a lungo contro Montefranco e Spoleto. Le vicende di Ferentillo seguirono sempre quelle dell'abbazia, che tentò di rendersi indipendente sia dal Ducato di Spoleto sia dal Capitolo Lateranense.