- (then put an oscar worthy show - KIlldeer nest in strangest places

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This Killdeer bird decided to make it nest in the gravel right in the middle of the Radford University baseball complex! Thye protect their nest by luring predators away with the broken wing act! Killdeer are in the group called plovers which are shore birds but this bird range includes places well inland and often far from water. Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) prefer short grass fields and will nest readily in gravel parking lots or even gravel roofs. They are often seen nesting in busy parking lots. They lay 4 to 6 speckled eggs that hatch within 28 days. The offspring are precocial and will be up and running on there own with 24 hours of hatching. The will fly within a month. These birds are primarily insectivores. Their 'nests' are no more than a scraped out spot on the ground. In order to survive, Killdeer have become the greatest actors in the bird kingdom. If one is percieved as a predator, the Killdeer will go to great lengths to draw one away from the nest. These antics includling feighing a broken wing, or two! Flopping around on the ground, spreading its tail feathers. Always drawing the predator from the nest. When a sufficient distance away they will suddenly fly up and call Killdeer, Killdeer, Killdeer, the classic Killdeer Call. The broken wing act or broken wing diversion is an amazing thing to see by this Killdeer bird. My channel is dedicated to enviromental education throught outdoor learning and teaching natural history.